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Artificial intelligence cannot yet replace journalists — TASS director general

MOSCOW, August 28. /TASS/. Artificial intelligence (AI) cannot replace journalists at the moment as it is not yet able to edit texts and change writing styles, TASS Director General Andrey Kondrashov told Rossiyskaya Gazeta.
“Many journalists were scared when we took one of the most advanced Russian AIs and tried to teach it to edit text, so that it could change a writing style. We wanted it to be different: for example, we wanted our texts on the wire to be academic, hard, informative; our texts on the website to be different, more adapted to a wider audience, youth oriented for social networks. And on our English X page we wanted a text that would be understood by Americans, Spaniards and others,” Kondrashov said.
However, three months of testing showed that the work of a journalist cannot be entrusted to artificial intelligence. “So far, AI cannot cope with it,” the TASS director general pointed out.
